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Legendary businesses are customer-centered

82% of buyers make repeat purchases after brands make them feel known1

Loyal customers are 6x more likely to rebuy and recommend 2

Kinde’s powerful insight and management tools help you understand your users and deliver personalized attention where needed – at scale.

A 360º view of your users

Your customers aren’t just numbers. Make sure you truly understand them. Know who is signing up, how loyal they are and how engaged they are with your product. Everything you need to build a comprehensive picture of your audience.

User since July
Role: Accountant
Signed in: 12 times
Last sign in: 2 hours ago
68% of consumers feel brands should know their prior service history in all interactions 3

A back-office powerhouse

Our powerfully simple user management tools make it easier than ever to manage your customers in a single place. No more bringing together multiple tools to build a picture of who is using your product.

Image showing the user management dashboard in Kinde
Image showing the user management dashboard in Kinde
User types
Separate customers, subscribers and those on your wait list so that you can target them specifically
Add, delete, suspend andedit users with ease
Filter, search and order your users
User management

Migration made easy: The all new, easy way to start

Introducing our new user importer – making it as painless as possible to get setup on Kinde and start building. With free one-to-one guidance at every step if you want it.

Image showing the 'Import users' flow in the Kinde admin

One-to-one guidance as you migrate your user data to Kinde

Purpose built migration

It doesn’t matter where your user data is stored today, we have migration tools to help you effortlessly migrate from your existing platform onto Kinde. Auth0 data can be directly imported or you can upload a CSV file from your previous platform.

One-to-one guidance from our team

Our team is here to help you get going. They’ll provide hands-on help to get your user data migrated and everything set up in your new home. They’re available by email, Slack, and Discord. Whatever works for you.

A single solution for multi-tenancy

Complex businesses need software that reflects their structure and restricts data access to only the people who should see it. That’s why we’ve included outrageously powerful controls to help you manage your businesses, teams and users in the most frictionless way possible.

It starts in the RBAC

Controlling who can access which individual pieces of data and interface is critical to protecting your business and your customers. Hierarchical role-based access control (RBAC) is the best way to manage this. Allowing strict control and flexible assignment – aligning everything from your business view of the world right down to the code you ship to customers.

Create users
Manage users
Add team members
Manage team members
View users
Manage users
View analytics
View financials
Download reports
View users
Manage users




Example roles and permissions – not product UI

Model your business model

Every SaaS business is different. Whether you’re building B2C, B2B or marketplace, Kinde helps you create business and organizational models that match your business, your customers and your product.

  • B2C, B2B or marketplace

    Robust organization modelling tools mean you can build simple use cases like B2C, or more complex multi-tenancy projects such as B2B and marketplaces on Kinde. Full control is in your hands. All built to scale with your business.

    Learn more about Organizations
  • Organization level branding

    Marketplaces and private-label businesses need to help their customers own the brand experience with their own users. Org level branding gives you the power to individually tailor brand colour and logos for every organization you work with.

  • User separation

    Even though a user may have the same login credentials, you may want them to have completely different roles, permissions and attributes across different tenancies. Organizations empowers your team to control how users show up in every organisation they are a part of.

Security through accountability

Your systems are only as strong as your visibility into the behaviours of people. Knowing who did what helps you deal more effectively with security incidents. Kinde brings high levels of visibility through logged activities. Meaning you can easily drill in and trace activity. This is also just as useful for tracing bugs and problems with your system.

Image showing the user management dashboard in Kinde
A full picture
Understand who did what, how and when
Filter, search and order audit logs

Grow your business here

Everything you need to build anything. Integrate Kinde in minutes. Get up and running fast.