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Auth built forNext.js 13 App Router

Meet Kinde – a new, easier way to accelerate your SaaS product development in Next.js 13 (and fourteen other languages) with native App Router server rendering.

npm i @kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs

Simple auth for devs who love code

Built in authentication, access control, user management, and feature flags – all managed in one powerful back office. Everything you need to get your B2C, B2B or marketplace business up and running, in minutes.

Beautifully simple authentication
Powerful, flexible feature management
Back-office tools to manage every part of your business

A single integration for everything you need

Teams should be focused on building value, not worrying about infrastructure. With Kinde’s unified developer experience, you integrate only once. After that it’s just a single line of code to add any new feature.

Unified developer experience

Amazing one-liners

Once you have Kinde integrated, it’s just a single line of code to add any feature. And as new features become available, you get them with a snap. That’s developer velocity.

Tiny bundle sizes

Having everything in a single integration, means you’re not shipping the same thing multiple times. This means tiny bundle sizes, smaller downloads – and way faster performance across the board.

Single SDK

Everything you need to integrate Kinde is in a single library. Unified architecture means you integrate only one time. As new features become available, they become available to you also.

Make cents. Dollars too

More than ever, reducing costs and maximizing revenue are critical to growing a commercially responsible business. We’ve built Kinde around this principle. That means finding every opportunity to reduce cost, create economies, and help your business perform better.

Protect every cent of spend

When it comes to what you pay, we believe that software pricing should be transparent and based around shared value. We also believe ininvesting in your growth – as you grow you pay for what you use – and unit costs come down as you use more. Fair and simple.

  • Free for founders

    While your business is starting out, we want to make sure you have every advantage possible. So Kinde is completely free to early stage founders — forever. It’s our way of giving back to the community.

  • One bill

    Kinde is a single unified product built to help you build your product, grow your audience and generate revenue – in one place. We’ve always believed in the power of having all of these things together in a single place, and so we charge for Kinde as a single product. One simple bill for everything.

  • 50% less than Auth0

    We’ve tried to make it as a clear as possible where we stand on pricing. So we are openly transparent about how our pricing compares to one of the biggest in Auth. We aim to halve your bill. Of course with Kinde you also get the rest of the platform so you’re getting far more value on top.

Optimise conversion and support cost

Maximizing revenue means maximizing conversion. Your revenue team is paying attention to users at every stage of the funnel – sign up should be no different. Then you want to makesure you’re reducing the support cost of maintaining users who are already in product.

Social converts better

Your users already know and love social login because they use it every day. Toggle on the SSO options they want and increase trust, conversion and data-quality with one click.

Social signup increases sign up conversion by as much as 54%

Better auth saves money

Nobody likes passwords – and they forget them all the time. Which costs your support team time and money. Give your customers a secure way to sign in to your apps and websites using just an email address – and never have to worry about forgotten passwords again.

$70 The average cost of a single password reset

Start for free

Grow your business here

Everything you need to build anything. Integrate Kinde in minutes. Get up and running fast.