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Securing payroll

Migrating 7,000 payroll company users to Kinde in 48 hours with Bitákora

Secure access to payroll software

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A combination of two factors led Bitákora, a payroll product within the portfolio of Latin-American market leader, Sinco ERP to migrate to Kinde.

Reaching the limits

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They were fast approaching the limits of the Auth0 free tier in terms of external MAU, prompting a need to upgrade.

Auth0 reached out to them concerning their use of the passwordless feature, which they were informed should not have been made available to them without an enterprise-grade plan.

Following closely was the cost estimate of their forced upgrade. More than $2,000 per month.

Doubting the fairness of the value exchange involved was appropriate, Bitákora turned to Kinde.

After estimating what their Kinde bill would be after switching, and discovering Kinde’s internationalization features, they decided to delve into testing.

48-hour migration

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Within 24 hours they had set up Kinde and ensured they were comfortable with the product.

“It was amazing,” according to engineer Augusto.

With another 24 hours they were able to migrate all existing users to Kinde seamlessly via the API.

“Coming from the Auth0 library to the Kinde library was really easy”

— Luis from Bitákora

Accompanying the move is an estimated 90% reduction in their monthly authentication bill.

The Bitákora team is excited about future growth prospects, and anticipate growing from 7,000 active payees to more than 30,000 within the next 12 months.

Such rapid growth requires effective means for adapting to scale, which Kinde is excited about offering to such a talented team.

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