The Kinde Elixir SDK allows developers to connect their Elixir app to Kinde. This document is relevant for up to Elixir v1.2.0.

You can also view the Elixir docs and Elixir starter kit in GitHub.

Register for Kinde

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If you haven’t already got a Kinde account, register for free here (no credit card required). Registering gives you a Kinde domain, which you need to get started, e.g.

Install erlang and elixir. Update the deps, update path to the SDK in mix.exs.

{:kinde_sdk, "~> 1.2.0"}

Add to your extra applications in mix.exs.

def application do
     extra_applications: [:logger, :kinde_sdk]

Set callback URLs

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  1. In Kinde, go to Settings > Applications > [Your app] > View details.
  2. Add your callback URLs in the relevant fields. For example:
    • Allowed callback URLs (also known as redirect URIs) - for example, http://localhost:4000/callback
    • Allowed logout redirect URLs - for example, http://localhost:4000
  3. Select Save.

Note: The http://localhost:4000 is an example of a commonly used local development URL. It should be replaced with the URL where your app is running.

Add environments

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Kinde comes with a production environment, but you can set up other environments if you want to. Note that each environment needs to be set up independently, so you need to use the Environment subdomain in the code block above for those new environments.

Configure your app

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API Keys

Follow these steps to set up the project:

  1. Create a .env file at the root directory.
  2. Add the following, but change the “values” to match your own information.
export KINDE_BACKEND_CLIENT_ID="test_x1y2z3a1"
export KINDE_FRONTEND_CLIENT_ID="test_a1b2c3d4"
export KINDE_CLIENT_SECRET="test_112233"
export KINDE_DOMAIN=""
export KINDE_BASE_URL=""
  1. If required, set the scopes. You can include scopes such as openid profile offline, in addition to email.
config :kinde_sdk, scope: "email"
  1. Open the console and write source .env before any mix command.

Environment variables

You can also set these variables in .env file within your project directory. The following variables need to be replaced in the code snippets.

  • KINDE_HOST - your Kinde domain - e.g.
  • KINDE_REDIRECT_URL - your callback url, make sure this URL is under your allowed callback redirect URLs. - e.g. http://localhost:4000/callback
  • KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL - where you want users to be redirected to after logging out, make sure this URL is under your allowed logout redirect URLs. - e.g. http://localhost:4000
  • KINDE_CLIENT_ID - you can find this on the Application details page
  • KINDE_CLIENT_SECRET - you can find this on the Application details page

Execute following in your terminal to run:

mix deps.get
mix phx.server

OAuth Flows (Grant Types)

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The KindeClientSDK struct implements three OAuth flows:

  • Client Credentials flow
  • Authorization Code flow
  • Authorization Code with PKCE flow

Each flow can be used with their corresponding grant type when initializing a client.

OAuth FlowGrant TypeType
Client Credentials:client_credentialsatom
Authorization Code:authorization_codeatom
Authorization Code with PKCE:authorization_code_flow_pkceatom

Integrate with your app

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Create a new instance of the Kinde Auth client object before you initialize your app:

{conn, client} =
    Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :domain),
    Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :redirect_url),
    Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :backend_client_id),
    Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :client_secret),
    Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :logout_redirect_url)

Log in and registration

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The Kinde client provides methods for easy log in and registration.

You can add buttons in your HTML as follows:

<div class="navigation">
    <a href="/login" type="button">Login</a>
    <a href="/register" type="button">Register</a>

You will also need to route /login and /register to the SDK methods:

conn = KindeClientSDK.login(conn, client)
conn = KindeClientSDK.register(conn, client)

Register your first user by signing up yourself. You’ll see your newly registered user on the Users page of the relevant organization (or default organization) in Kinde.

Manage redirects

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When the user is redirected back to your site from Kinde, this will call your callback URL defined in the KINDE_REDIRECT_URL variable. You will need to route /callback to call a function to handle this.

def callback(conn, _params) do
    {conn, client} = KindeClientSDK.get_token(conn)

    data = KindeClientSDK.get_all_data(conn)

We use the Kinde helper function to get the tokens generated by login and get_token.

data = KindeClientSDK.get_all_data(conn)
IO.inspect(data.login_time_stamp, label: "Login Time Stamp")

Or first calling the get_token function:

{conn, client} = KindeClientSDK.get_token(conn)

Example of a returned token:

	"access_token" => "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1...",
	"expires_in" => 89274,
	"scope" => "openid profile email offline",
	"token_type" => "bearer"

This function returns the user object including Kinde ID. This function reads the information from the id_token that is returned after successful authentication. Include the required scopes if not added already (openid profile email offline).


Note: You need to have already authenticated before you call the API, otherwise an error will occur.

View users in Kinde

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Go to the Users page in Kinde to see who has registered.

Create an organization

There is an additional create_org method which allows an organization to be created. This method calls the current sign-up logic by setting the is_create_org parameter to true.

Use this helper function to create an organization.

conn = KindeClientSDK.create_org(conn, client)
conn = KindeClientSDK.create_org(conn, client)

Sign up and sign in to organizations

Kinde has a unique code for every organization. You’ll have to pass this code when creating a client or registering a new user: additional_parameters_org_code.

If you want a user to sign into a particular organization, pass this code along with the sign in method.

For more information about how organizations work in Kinde, see Kinde organizations for developers.

The Kinde SDK client comes with a logout method.

conn = KindeClientSDK.logout(conn)

Returns whether if a user is signed in by verifying that the access token is still valid.


We have provided a helper to grab any claim from your ID or access tokens, which accepts a key for a token and returns the claim value. There is also an optional argument to define which token to check. The helper defaults to access tokens.


KindeClientSDK.get_claim(conn, "jti", :id_token)

This function will returns claims as follows.

	"aud" => [],
	"azp" => "",
	"exp" => 1649314,
	"gty" => ["client_credentials"],
	"iat" => 1662914,
	"iss" => "",
	"jti" => "7fa15b8-086-495-bba-b191b2aa2f",
	"scp" => ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline"]

For example, when a key is accepted for a token as KindeClientSDK.get_claim(conn, "jti", :id_token) the return claim value would be as follows.


When a user signs in to an organization the access token your product/application contains a custom claim with an array of permissions for that user.

You can set permissions in your Kinde account. Here’s an example.


For more details See Define user permissions.

We provide helper functions to more easily access permissions.

KindeClientSDK.get_permission(conn, "create:todos")

get_permission checks the permission value and returns if it is granted or not (i.e. checks if permission key exists in the permissions claim array) and checks the relevant org code by checking against claim org_code.

An audience is the intended recipient of an access token - for example the API for your application. The audience argument can be passed to the Kinde client to request an audience be added to the provided token.

additional_params = %{
      audience: ""

  Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :domain),
  Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :redirect_url),
  Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :backend_client_id),
  Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :client_secret),
  Application.get_env(:kinde_sdk, :logout_redirect_url),
  "openid profile email offline",

For details on how to connect, see Register an API.

Overriding scope

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By default the KindeSDK requests the following scopes:

  • profile
  • email
  • offline
  • openid

You can override this by passing scope into the KindeSDK.

Persisting authentication state on page refresh or new tab

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When a user refreshes the page or opens a new tab, the authentication state can be lost. To work around this issue, there are two possible solutions:

  • Use cookies to store the authentication token. This can be done by setting an httpOnly cookie with the authentication token, which will be sent to the server with every request, allowing the server to maintain the authentication state.
  • Use a session store to store the authentication token. Elixir has several session store options available, including using a database, in-memory cache, or distributed cache.

Once one of these solutions is implemented, there is no need for additional action to persist the authentication state.

Once the user has successfully authenticated, you’ll have a JWT and possibly a refresh token that should be stored securely.

API reference - Create Kinde Client

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Either your Kinde URL or your custom domain. e.g

Type: string

Required: Yes

The URL that the user will be returned to after authentication.

Type: string

Required: Yes


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The unique ID of your backend application in Kinde.

Type: string

Required: Yes


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The unique ID of your frontend application in Kinde.

Type: string

Required: Yes

The unique client secret associated with your application in Kinde.

Type: string

Required: No


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Where your user will be redirected upon logout.

Type: string

Required: No, except for PKCE flow

The scopes to be requested from Kinde.

Type: string

Required: No

Default: openid profile email offline


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Additional parameters that will be passed in the authorization request.

Type: map

Required: No

Default: %{}


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The audience claim for the JWT.

Type: string

Required: No


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The org claim for the JWT.

Type: string

Required: No


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The org claim for the JWT.

Type: string

Required: No

API reference - Kinde Client Functions

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Constructs a redirect URL and sends the user to Kinde to sign in.

Arguments: conn, client


KindeClientSDK.login(conn, client)

Sample output: redirect

Constructs a redirect URL and sends the user to Kinde to sign up.

Arguments: conn, client


KindeClientSDK.register(conn, client)

Sample: redirect

Logs the user out of Kinde.

Arguments: conn



Sample: redirect

Returns the raw access token from URL after logged in from Kinde.

Arguments: conn





Constructs the redirect URL to sign up and create a new organization in your business.

Arguments: conn, atom


KindeClientSDK.create_org(conn, client)

Sample: redirect

Gets a claim from an access or ID token.

Arguments: conn, string, atom


KindeClientSDK.get_claim(conn, "jti") or KindeClientSDK.get_claim(conn, "jti", :id_token)


%{name: "iss", value: ""}

Gets all claims from an access or ID token.

Arguments: conn, atom


KindeClientSDK.get_claims(conn, :id_token)


%{"aud" => [], "azp" => "", ...}


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Returns the state of a given permission.

Arguments: conn, string


KindeClientSDK.get_permission(conn, "create:users")


%{org_code: 'org_1234', is_granted: true}


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Returns all permissions for the current user for the organization they are signed into.

Arguments: conn, atom


KindeClientSDK.get_permissions(conn, :id_token)


%{org_code: 'org_1234', permissions: ['create:todos', 'update:todos', 'read:todos']}


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Get details for the organization your user is signed into.

Arguments: conn




%{org_code: "org_9d78"}


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Gets an array of all organizations the user has access to.

Arguments: conn




%{org_codes: ["org_9d78", "org_aca6c", "org_27e56"]}


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Returns the profile for the current user.

Arguments: conn




email: "", family_name: "Smith", given_name: "Dave", id: "kp:abcdef"

Returns the Kinde cache PID from the conn.

Arguments: conn






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Saves the Kinde client created into the conn.

Arguments: conn






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Returns the Kinde client created from the conn.

Arguments: conn




cache_pid: #PID<0.123.0>,
domain: "",
redirect_uri: "…/callback",

Returns all the Kinde data (tokens) returned.

Arguments: conn




access_token: "eyJhbGciOiJSU…”,
expires_in: 1234,
id_token: “abcdedhjshfsjg”,}

Feature flag helper functions

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Details of a feature-flag.

Arguments: conn, code


KindeClientSDK.get_flag(conn, code)

Sample output:

flag: %{
"code" => "theme",
"is_default" => false,
"type" => "string",
"value" => "grayscale"

The default value of a feature flag.

Arguments: conn, code, default value


KindeClientSDK.get_flag(conn, code, default_value)

Sample output:

flag: %{
"code" =>
"is_default" => true, "value" => false

The type and default value of a feature flag.

Arguments: conn, code, default value, flag_type


KindeClientSDK.get_flag(conn, code, default_value, flag_type)

Sample output:

flag: %{
"code" =>
"is_default" => true,
"value" => "black"


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Returns the boolean flag.

Arguments: conn, code


KindeClientSDK.get_boolean_flag(conn, code)

Sample output:

**true** | **false** |
flag: "Error e.g flag does not exist and no default provided”


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Returns the boolean flag value.

Arguments: conn, code, default value


KindeClientSDK.get_boolean_flag(conn, code, default_value)

Sample output:

flag: false


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Returns the string flag value.

Arguments: conn, code


KindeClientSDK.get_string_flag(conn, code)

Sample output: corresponding values from object or error-messages


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Returns the string flag value.

Arguments: conn, code, default value


KindeClientSDK.get_string_flag(conn, code, default_value)

Sample output:

flag: "black”


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Returns the integer flag value.

Arguments: conn, code


KindeClientSDK.get_integer_flag(conn, code)

Sample output: corresponding values from object or error-messages


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Returns the integer flag value.

Arguments: conn, code, default value


KindeClientSDK.get_integer_flag(conn, code, default_value)

Sample output:

flag: 46

If you need help connecting to Kinde, please contact us at

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